Saturday, August 1, 2009

A Cry

A cry can mean so much
It can mean thanks a bunch
A cry can be a call
When one gets a scold
A cry will show some tears
Of happiness or of sadness
You can even cry for help
Cry for love or even forgiveness

A cry should be sincere
So people can actually hear
That your cry has a thousand meanings
With a cry that shows your feelings
So if you are a girl or just a boy
A tear of water is not a toy
So next time do not be shy
For it is brave for one to cry.

written on 2nd October 2006


  1. esok nak nangis gi sekolah....

  2. haha.. yes.. u r the brave one.. i pun nk cry sebab tiap2 hari mata masuk habuk!!
