Sunday, April 25, 2010

Fireballs and Rainbows

     The feeling of losing someone you care still lingers in my mind. Yesterday our school recited the yassin and did a little bit of donation for two students who had lost their parents this last few days.  Indeed it is a sad moment.  The thought of death is not an everyday issue that we would like to talk about.  However, this last few days, my heart was and still feeling gloomy and sad.  I could not imagine the children losing the love ones at a very young age.  I love kids and thinking of the world today frightens me.  Look at the newspapers and news nowadays.  We hear and read about babies thrown in almost all places they wish to throw.  Whether it's the dustbin, drain, toilet, rivers, anywhere.  What is happening to the world today.  Some people have difficulty in conceiving and having a baby is a dream come through.  Yet others can easily do all these crimes without feeling remorse or guilty.
     Kids are a blessing from Allah.  I always thought my kids as my treasure.  They are my gold.  They are my wealth.  However, Allah is great. All human beings are given chances and opportunities.  If someone is not given the chance to have offspring, it is merely because Allah has greater plans for them.  For those who abandon their children or have the heart to hurt them, they should know. Kids are kids.  They sometimes make you laugh.  Yet sometimes they make you cry.  Sometimes you can even be like a volcano, waiting to explode.  But the joy they bring is a gift beyond your imagination.  Think of the time we had them inside of us.  Feeling them kicking and stretching, the morning sickness.  It might not be a merry-go-round but it sure gives you quite a spin.  Not forgetting the fun of caressing your belly and seeing it grow.  It is just a work of art, a work of Allah almighty.
     Then, when the miracle happens, when you first lay your eyes on that small little arms and feet, your first touch as they cuddle in your arms.  Those are the greatest feelings and the most wonderful experience any mother could have.  Remember the time you have to wake up in the middle of the night just to feed them.  How you move back and forward just to make them sleep again.  And sometimes it is you who sleeps first.  You might feel tired, you might feel angry or even stressful but it was worth it.  The magic of their growth, their first step, their first word and the way they look you in your eyes asking for love, comfort and forgiveness, how could a human being be so cruel to torture such innocent being.
     Parents and children. We are the same.   A baby, a toddler, a child, a teenager, an adult, a mother or a father and if given a longer life, perhaps grandparents.  Everyone will go through it.  It is just a matter of time.  When you think about it, I might be that little baby who cried a lot and made my parents tensed.  I might even be one of the problematic teenagers who just want to be free from adults.  And as an adult now, am I that perfect?  Nobody's perfect.  Now as a mother, I might even be like my mother whom I rebel during my younger years.  So who are we to judge people.
     Child, be thankful now, for you will grow.  And adults, remember who you are before and soon to be.  Life is indeed a journey.  A journey of climbing the highest mountain.  Along the path, we will come across all kinds of obstacles.  Sometimes we get lost in the woods but we will never give up hope.  We look back on the past but we still move forward.  For the past is only a guidance, so we will remember not to make the same mistake and plan for a better future.  Sometimes we choose the wrong path but with faith, Allah will bring us back on track.  Although we go through that difficult times, we have to stop for a while to feel the breeze blowing, to smell the flowers in the field, listening to the chirping of birds and admiring the beauty that lies in front of our eyes. Life must go on.  And with patience, courage and hope, as we reach the mountain, we know we made the right choice when there is still a rainbow waiting for us on the other side of the mountain.  And life is still a very long journey to experience!!!


  1. very inspiring syura

    you should write more in your blog

  2. thank you k.normah.. very emotional lately.. will indeed write more... the inspiration is there..
