Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My World

Nobody is perfect in this world.  Everyone makes mistakes.  Whether it is small or big ones, we can never run from doing mistakes in life.  However, with one silly mistake, we should not be demotivated to continue our dream and proceed with our aim.  Sometimes we try our best to say the right word, instead people perceive it differently.  We just cannot please everyone.  The only person getting hurt is us.  

The world is fair.  Do not feel down just because people look down on you.  Do not be sad just because people talk bad about you.  Do not be angry just because people make fun of you.  But move on.  If you keep on listening to others, who will listen to your heart.  You!  

You make the world go round!


  1. Salam..

    How was the day, masalah air dah selesai ker?

    Jangan mudah tergoncang oleh kritikan. Jadilah orang yang teguh pendirian, dan sedarilah bahawa kritikan itu akan mengangkat harga diri Anda setara dengan kritikan tersebut.

  2. siapa yang buat syura ni...??
    meh...nak gi marah dia...


    kuatkan semangat, pedulikan semua orang yang tak penting dalam hidup kita tu, kan

  3. salam semua..

    with friends like y'all.. lega dh hati ni.. memberi semangat utk teguh berdiri.. hehe..

    as 4 masalah air.. still x settle lg.. tp mandi ye k.normah.. haha..

  4. it was indeed an exciting experience..(think positive)mandi air pool..yuck!!hehehe...i was like 5 mths preggerskan..fuyooo..lucky nothin happen tho..-ani-

  5. yea ani.. mmg experience yg x blh dilupakan..
