Thursday, July 1, 2010

Mum, Dad and.... Me?

Today was 'Open Day' for parents to get their children's report card.  I am the form teacher of an average class.  Almost everyone in the class was present including one boy who has been absent for some time.  I was anxious to meet all their parents so I sent message to every parents to remind them to come.

It was indeed satisfying to be able to speak with the parents.  Most of them were frustrated with the results but I was more interested in one boy whom before this always attracts my attention.  He is a nice boy and with a little bit of brushing, could one day be successful.  However, he comes from a sad background.  Now, being brought up by her single mother, he and his siblings are very independent and caring for each other.

His mother started explaining her situation when I told her that her son was always late to school and she claimed it was her fault because she asked him to send her sister to school first.  She also explained that sometimes he comes home crying when he was caught late and his explanation was not accepted by the teachers.  I understand and feel sorry for him.

If I was not thinking of the other parents queuing in line, I would have sat there patiently listening to his mother's problems and expression.  Sometimes we think that our life is difficult but when we hear others whose life is even more difficult than us, we wish we could help them in any way we can.  They might be poor but they are rich when they have each other.

Listening to his mother, I want to share this poem once written for a friend I knew whose husband cheated on her and married another woman.

Twilight Zone

Why love fades over the years?
Like a colourful cloth that lose its colour
Marriage is a tie to live forever
but lust is a destroyer that clutches to lovers

If marriage is pure as we first uttered
Why tears of joy turn tears of horror?
Why can't the rainbow stay?
To add beauty to the day

Why can't the sun shines forever?
No rainy days and stormy weather
Why can't the stars twinkle all night?
Combine with the moon to keep us bright

I wish I am beautiful, everlasting in your eyes
I wish you'll say 'I love you', till the day I close my eyes
I wish we walk together, in every path of our lives
I wish we cherish each other, face all obstacles that lie

What magic does love bring?
If the nightingale stops to sing
How are family supposed to cling?
When spouses are now trampling

Please Allah, give me strength
Put a short cut to this length
What decision should I take?
To keep me living, believing and loving, for goodness sake.

written on 23 May 2006


  1. Salam...

    Sedih juak nengar cerita kitak tok. Sik semua urang tok bahagia dan bertuah macam sesetengah kita tok, namun tok adalah takdir Allah SWT utk menguji manusia kesemuanya dalam melihat kesenangan dan kesusahan dalam kehidupan. Sapa mahu nulong dan sapa nisik. Sapa bersyukur dan sapa nisik. Insya Allah akan ada kemudahan selepas kesusahan.

    Berkat kita sabar Allah akan kurniakan kejayaan dalam kehidupan. Berkat kita menolong orang akan Allah kurniakan kebahagiaan dalam kehidupan kita.

    Barakallahu fik...semoga Allah memberkatimu

  2. w'salam..

    nang sedih kamek nenga crita mak nya. Mak nya org kita juak. Insya-allah mun ada rezeki, sik keberatan mek mauk nolong anak nya. cian nembiak, sentiasa jd mangsa org tua.

  3. kesian pulak mendengarnya... mungkin boleh bawa ke pengetahuan HEM, minta ibunya berjumpa HEM.

    kekadang memang hidup kita lebih berkali ganda baik dari mereka ini, kan...

  4. yes, bersyukurlah dgn apa yg ada skrang yea..
    will inform guru disiplin masalah lewat dia..

  5. Life is not always a bed of roses. Thanks for sharing.Love your poem,dear.

  6. welcome lina..
    with hope.. life could be a bed of roses again..!!
